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Curators IP

Generation that Generates (生成世代)

The term “generation” (生成) refers to the emergence of new things or qualities that did not exist before, while “generation” (世代) describes a group of people born in the same era who share common ways of thinking and sensing. Generation that Generates is an ongoing project by female media artists exploring new creative expressions through technology.

Lightweight Exhibition

An exhibition designed to ensure that the forms and materials used do not become irreversible waste after the exhibition ends.


Dagelet is a project exploring the tangible and intangible images of islands through the process of re-documenting them. The work begins with individuals’ interactions in re-observing and recording the past and present of a specific place. By examining the collective memory and cultural identity embedded in islands, the project aims to form a multifaceted context and world of the place through collaborative efforts in a communal format.

머리말들 / Prefaces

Prefaces is a simple project focused on collecting and preserving exhibition prefaces.

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